With a bark that could send even the toughest intruders running for cover… until they offer him a snack. Then? Well, let’s just say his guard dog persona is officially off-duty. That’s right, one tasty treat and Patrick’s tough-guy act is over. He’ll go from “intimidating security guard” to “puppy-dog eyes” faster than you can say “Who’s a good boy?” If you’re looking for a watchdog with a little less bite and a lot more belly rubs, Patrick is your guy! He does well with other dogs, though he might seem a bit imposing at first, so a proper introduction is key—after all, he’s got to check that everyone is worthy of his snack-powered friendship! Once you’ve won his trust, though, Patrick is as sweet as they come. A perfect blend of tough on the outside, marshmallow on the inside, and always up for a treat or a new adventure. Just remember, if you’re going to ask him to guard the house, you’d better have some snacks ready… or else he’ll just guard the couch instead!