

When he wants attention, Squiggles has a unique way of getting it: he will gently bat at your hand with his paw or start making silly little chirping sounds, as if he’s telling you a secret. And if you ever happen to sit on the floor, he’ll climb on top of you, giving your face a thorough “kiss” with his little wet nose, as if to say, “I’m the cutest, right?”

And the name? Squiggles McBiggles couldn’t be more fitting. He’s often caught wiggling his whole body in excitement—like a cat who’s a little too excited to be this lovable.

Current Status: Adopted
Arms ID: A164018
Breed: DMH
Sex: Male
Age: 2 years
Weight: 9.4lbs
Color: Black
Microchip: Scanned, no chip