Summer Simpson

To contact Summer, please email: [email protected] In another life, I’m pretty sure I was: A plant.  The advice I would give a candidate who wants to join our team of superstars, is: We are very protective over each other. We will always have your back!  The most inspiring part of my job is: Bonding with…

Katie Pauli

To contact Katie, please email: [email protected] If I won the lottery tomorrow: I’d start a Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation center. And, you know, keep working here.  The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is: You can be either be miserable or happy. It takes the same amount of effort.  If I weren’t so…

Katie Laddusaw

To contact Katie, please email: [email protected] What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team of superstars: Working with animals is a lot harder than one would think. Kittens and puppies aren’t nearly as cute when you have to clean up after them.  What’s the most inspiring part of your job: Reuniting…